> 2023 > 4月 - 第93页
  • watermelon怎么读英语


    Introduction Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit that is loved by many. It is not only delicious but also has various health benefits. Howe...

    04-16 314 786 口语知识
  • internet怎么读英语


    Introduction As the world becomes increasingly digital, the importance of the internet continues to grow. Whether we are using it for work, educat...

    04-16 409 826 口语知识
  • 八月怎么读英语


    Introduction: 如何正确地念“八月” 大家好!今天我们要聊的主题是如何在英语中发音“八月”。作为汉字,我们习惯了将它读成“bā yuè”,但在英语中,我们要怎样...

    04-16 885 672 口语知识
  • balloon怎么读英语


    What is ".balloon" in English? ".Balloon" is pronounced as /bəˈluːn/ in English The word "balloon" refers to a thin rubber or plastic bag filled w...

    04-16 248 569 口语知识
  • 从0开始学英语


    从0开始学英语 英语是目前全球最为流行的语言之一,它不仅承载着世界上各个领域的重要信息,还成为了人际交往的重要工具。身为一个英语零基础者,如何从0开...

    04-16 228 443 口语知识
  • party怎么读英语


    Introduction As English has become a global language, more and more people around the world are learning it. And as they learn English, they encou...

    04-16 641 351 口语知识
  • like怎么读英语


    Introduction In English, "like" is a commonly used word with multiple meanings and pronunciation variations. It can be used as a verb, noun, adjec...

    04-16 863 92 口语知识
  • question怎么读英语


    Introduction When it comes to learning English, pronunciation is often one of the most challenging aspects. One word that many English learners st...

    04-16 120 530 口语知识
  • 成人如何学习英语


    成人如何学习英语 在当今的世界中,英语已经成为了一门全球通用的语言。而成人如何学习英语也成为了一个热门话题。以下是一些关于成人如何学习英语的建议。 ...

    04-16 631 599 口语知识
  • sticks怎么读英语


    What is sticks in English? Sticks is an everyday English word that can be used in various contexts. It refers to long, thin, and cylindrical objec...

    04-16 384 413 口语知识