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In English, "like" is a commonly used word with multiple meanings and pronunciation variations. It can be used as a verb, noun, adjective, adverb, preposition and even a conjunction. In this article, we will explore the different ways to pronounce "like" in English and how to use it in context.

Pronunciation of "like" as a verb

When "like" is used as a verb to express enjoyment or preference, it is pronounced with a long "i" sound like "lyke". For example, "I really like ice cream" or "He likes to play video games."

Pronunciation of "like" as an adjective

As an adjective, "like" is pronounced with a short "i" sound like "lɪk". In this context, it means resembling or similar to. For example, "She wore a dress like mine" or "The painting looks like a photograph".

Pronunciation of "like" as a filler word

When "like" is used as a filler word, it is often pronounced with a short "a" sound like "lʌɪk" or even mumbled. This usage is often associated with younger speakers and can be overused or distracting in conversation. For example, "So, like, where do you want to go?" or "I was, like, so surprised when he said that".

Pronunciation of "like" in idioms and expressions

There are many idioms and expressions that use the word "like" in English. In some cases, the pronunciation follows the normal rules for the particular usage of "like". For example, "He looks like a million dollars" or "I feel like going for a run". However, in other expressions such as "Walk the streets like a stranger" or "He thinks he's hot stuff, like", the pronunciation may vary based on regional dialect or personal preference.


As you can see, the word "like" has multiple meanings and pronunciations in English, depending on context and usage. It is important to understand these different variations in order to communicate effectively and be understood by others.