> 口语知识 > question怎么读英语




When it comes to learning English, pronunciation is often one of the most challenging aspects. One word that many English learners struggle with is "question". In this article, we'll explore the correct pronunciation of "question" and provide some tips to help you improve your English pronunciation skills.

Pronunciation of "question"

The correct pronunciation of "question" is kwe-st-chun. The first syllable, "kwe", should be pronounced like "kway" with a long "a" sound. The second syllable, "st", should be pronounced with a short "u" sound, similar to the word "but". The final syllable, "chun", should be pronounced like "shun" with a soft "sh" sound.

Common pronunciation mistakes

Many English learners make mistakes when pronouncing "question". One of the most common mistakes is pronouncing the "qu" like "kw". This can make the word sound like "kwes-tion", which is incorrect. Another common mistake is pronouncing the final syllable like "tun" instead of "chun", which can make the word sound like "kwes-tun".

Tips to improve your pronunciation

If you're struggling with the pronunciation of "question", here are some tips to help you improve:

  • Listen to native speakers: One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation is to listen to native speakers. Pay close attention to how they pronounce "question" and try to imitate it.
  • Practice with a language partner: Find a language partner or tutor who can help you practice your pronunciation. They can give you feedback and help you make corrections.
  • Use online resources: There are many online resources available for English learners, such as pronunciation videos and exercises. Use these resources to practice your pronunciation regularly.


Pronouncing "question" correctly is important for effective communication in English. Remember to pronounce the first syllable like "kway", the second syllable with a short "u" sound, and the final syllable with a soft "sh" sound. With practice and the tips provided in this article, you can improve your pronunciation skills and speak English more confidently.