> 口语知识 > watermelon怎么读英语




Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit that is loved by many. It is not only delicious but also has various health benefits. However, some people may struggle with the proper pronunciation of the word "watermelon" in English. In this article, we will discuss how to correctly pronounce this word.

The Pronunciation of "Watermelon"

The word "watermelon" is pronounced as "waw-ter-mel-un" in English. The first syllable "wa" is pronounced like "wah" or "waw." The following syllable "ter" sounds like "tur" or "ter." The third syllable "mel" is pronounced like "mell" or "mel." Finally, the last syllable "on" sounds like "un."

Common Mispronunciations of "Watermelon"

Some people may mispronounce the word "watermelon" by saying "wadder-melon," "watter-melon," or "water-mellon." These mispronunciations are incorrect and may lead to confusion when you communicate with others in English. Therefore, it is important to practice the correct pronunciation of "watermelon."

Practice Tips for Pronouncing "Watermelon"

If you are struggling with the proper pronunciation of "watermelon," here are some tips that you can use to practice:

  • Listen to native English speakers say the word and try to imitate them.
  • Record yourself saying the word and listen to the recording to identify areas that need improvement.
  • Break the word down into syllables and practice each syllable separately before saying the word as a whole.
  • Focus on the vowel sounds in each syllable and try to replicate them accurately.

The Importance of Proper Pronunciation

Proper pronunciation is essential for effective communication in English. It can prevent misunderstandings and help you convey your message clearly. Additionally, it can boost your confidence when speaking with others in English.


In conclusion, the correct pronunciation of "watermelon" in English is "waw-ter-mel-un." It is important to avoid common mispronunciations such as "wadder-melon" or "watter-melon." Practicing proper pronunciation can improve your English communication skills and make it easier for others to understand you.