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What is sticks in English?

Sticks is an everyday English word that can be used in various contexts. It refers to long, thin, and cylindrical objects that we use for different purposes. For example, we use sticks to cook food, play games, and for various household uses.

How to pronounce sticks?

The word sticks is pronounced as 'stɪks.' You can use an online dictionary like Merriam-Webster, Oxford, or Cambridge to listen to the correct pronunciation. Make sure to practice the pronunciation carefully to get it right.

Common phrases using sticks

In English, there are many idiomatic phrases that use the word 'sticks.' Here are five common examples:

  • 1. Get your head out of the sticks: This phrase means to stop being so isolated and to think about the reality of the situation.
  • 2. The short end of the sticks: It refers to being at a disadvantage or getting the worst of a deal.
  • 3. Carrot and stick: This refers to a policy of offering a reward and punishment to get someone to do something.
  • 4. Sticks and stones may break my bones: This is a saying to remind people that name-calling and insults do not harm us physically.
  • 5. Sticks out like a sore thumb: This phrase means that something is conspicuous or stands out in an obvious way.

Using sticks in conversation

Here are a few examples of how to use sticks in everyday conversation:

  • 1. I need to get some sticks to start the fire for the barbeque.
  • 2. My kids love playing with sticks and building forts in the woods.
  • 3. The hiker used walking sticks to help him climb the mountain.
  • 4. I always carry chopsticks with me when I have sushi for lunch.


Sticks are a versatile and commonly used object in the English language. It is essential to get the pronunciation right and understand the contexts in which it can be used. By practicing the different uses of sticks, you can add more variety and richness to your English vocabulary.