> 2023 > 4月 - 第109页
  • lose怎么读英语


    Lose怎么读英语 许多英语学习者仍然犯“lose”这个单词的发音错误。这可能是因为该单词的拼写与发音之间存在一些不规则关系。在本文中,我们将详细探讨“lose”...

    04-16 560 482 口语知识
  • wheel怎么读英语


    Introduction The English language can be quite tricky, especially when it comes to pronunciation. One word that often confuses learners is "wheel"...

    04-16 919 273 口语知识
  • creative怎么读英语


    What is "creative" and how to pronounce it? First of all, "creative" is an adjective that describes a person or thing that is able to produce or u...

    04-16 999 52 口语知识
  • taxi怎么读英语


    What is the correct pronunciation of "taxi" in English? As a common mode of transportation around the world, "taxi" is a word that most people are...

    04-16 270 933 口语知识
  • kitty怎么读英语


    Introduction The name .kitty is a popular username on many online platforms, including social media and gaming. However, there is much confusion a...

    04-16 355 514 口语知识
  • 每天学五句日常口语英语


    Introduction Learning English is essential in today's world, especially in the areas of business, travel, and education. One of the best ways to i...

    04-16 680 350 口语知识
  • 网上学英语


    优缺点比较 现在越来越多的人选择在网上学习英语,这种学习方式有其独特的优点和缺点。 首先,网上学英语的好处是不受时间和地点的限制。学习者可以随时随地...

    04-16 158 659 口语知识
  • 对于0基础的人学英文怎么学


    为0基础的人编制英文学习计划 准备学英文,特别是对于一个零基础的人来说,第一步是要有一个良好的学习计划。学习计划应该包括的内容有:学习的目标,时间表...

    04-16 40 708 口语知识
  • guide怎么读英语


    Introduction Guide is a commonly used word in English, and it can be pronounced differently depending on the context. In this article, we will dis...

    04-16 322 196 口语知识
  • hand怎么读英语


    Introduction When it comes to English pronunciation, one of the most confusing aspects for non-native speakers is how to properly pronounce the wo...

    04-16 146 700 口语知识