> 口语知识 > kitty怎么读英语




The name .kitty is a popular username on many online platforms, including social media and gaming. However, there is much confusion about how to pronounce this unique name. In this article, we will explore the different ways to read .kitty in English and offer some tips on how to pronounce it more accurately

The Dot (.)

The first thing to consider when pronouncing .kitty is the dot or period. In English, this symbol is often used to indicate the end of a sentence or as a decimal point when writing numbers. However, in the context of a username, the dot is usually read as "dot" or "period." So, when reading .kitty out loud, you would say "dot kitty" or "period kitty."

The Letter 'K'

The next part of .kitty is the letter 'k,' which can be pronounced in a few different ways depending on the context. In this case, it is typically pronounced as the letter name "kay." This is the same pronunciation as when spelling out words like "kite" or "kangaroo." So, when reading .kitty, you would say "dot kayitty."

The Word 'Kitty'

The final part of .kitty is the word "kitty," which is simply pronounced as it normally would be in English. The word "kitty" is a common term for a young cat or kitten, so it is pronounced with a short "i" sound followed by a "t" and a long "e." So, when reading .kitty out loud, you would say "dot kayitty."

Tips for Pronouncing .kitty

Now that we've covered the individual parts of .kitty, let's put it all together. To pronounce .kitty accurately, you would say "dot kayitty" with a short "i" sound followed by a "t" and a long "e." One helpful tip is to emphasize the "k" sound and the "t" sound to make it more clear. Additionally, it's important to remember to say "dot" or "period" before "kitty" to indicate the presence of the dot or period in the username.


In conclusion, .kitty is a unique username that can be pronounced in multiple ways, but the most accurate pronunciation is "dot kayitty." Remember to emphasize the "k" and "t" sounds and to say "dot" or "period" before "kitty" to indicate the presence of the dot or period in the username. With these tips in mind, you can confidently pronounce .kitty in English.