> 口语知识 > wheel怎么读英语




The English language can be quite tricky, especially when it comes to pronunciation. One word that often confuses learners is "wheel". Is it pronounced weel or hweel?

Etymology of "Wheel"

Before we dive into how to pronounce "wheel" in English, let's take a quick look at the word's origin. The word "wheel" comes from the Old English word "hweogol", which means "wheel, disk, or circle". Over time, the word evolved and was eventually shortened to "weol", which is the Old English version of "wheel".

Pronunciation of "Wheel" in British English

In British English, "wheel" is pronounced as hweel. The "wh" sound is pronounced as an "h" sound followed by a "w" sound. The "ee" sound is a long "e" sound. So, it's pronounced "hweel" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Pronunciation of "Wheel" in American English

In American English, "wheel" is pronounced as weel. The "wh" sound is completely dropped, and the "ee" sound is a short "e" sound. So, it's pronounced "weel" with the emphasis on the first syllable.


So, there you have it – the two different ways to pronounce "wheel" in English. If you're in America, go with weel, but if you're in the UK, it's hweel. But remember, both pronunciations are correct depending on the dialect. Keep practicing your English pronunciation, and soon enough, you'll be a pro!