> 口语知识 > uniform怎么读英语




'.uniform' is a well-known term in web development that is used to style the form elements. It is an efficient way to make the form elements look uniform across multiple browsers. As English is a global language, it is important to know how to read '.uniform' in English. This article will provide some information on how to read '.uniform' in English.

Reading '.uniform' as an acronym

'.uniform' is commonly read as an acronym for "User Interface Uniformity". This term refers to the process of styling form elements to have a consistent look and feel across various web browsers. By using CSS-based solutions, developers can achieve such uniformity which results in a better user experience for the website users.

Reading '.uniform' as a single word

Some developers read '.uniform' as a single word that refers to a specific CSS property. According to them, '.uniform' is a shorthand property that allows developers to set several properties such as font-size, line-height, padding, and margin to form elements at once. This helps them to achieve a consistent look and feel for all the form elements in a webpage.

Reading '.uniform' as a method name

'.uniform' can also be read as a method name in some popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery. The 'jQuery.uniform' method is used to style form elements in a consistent way. Developers can use this method to apply styles to form elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns without having to write extensive CSS code. It is a quick and efficient way of achieving a uniform look for all the form elements.

Reading '.uniform' in different contexts

Depending on the context, '.uniform' can have different meanings. For instance, in the context of school uniforms, '.uniform' refers to a specific dress code that students are required to wear. Likewise, in the context of military uniforms, '.uniform' refers to a specific outfit worn by soldiers. However, in the context of web development, '.uniform' is used to refer to the process of styling form elements in a consistent way.


In conclusion, '.uniform' is a widely-used term in web development that refers to the process of styling form elements in a consistent way. It can be read as an acronym, a single word, or a method name depending on the context. By following these tips, developers can understand how to read '.uniform' in English and use it effectively in their work.