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What is the correct pronunciation of “vegetable” in English?

Many non-native English speakers struggle with the correct way to pronounce the word “vegetable”. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that even native speakers have different ways of pronouncing this word. In this article, we’ll explore the various pronunciations of “vegetable” and offer tips on how to improve your pronunciation.

Common pronunciations of “vegetable”

The most common pronunciation of “vegetable” is “VEJ-tuh-buhl”. This is the pronunciation recognized by most dictionaries and is a relatively neutral way of saying the word. However, depending on where you are in the world or the region you’re from, you may hear the word pronounced differently. For example, some people from the southern United States may say “VEE-jih-tuh-buhl”, while others may say “VEH-jih-tuh-buhl”. These regional variations in pronunciation are normal and often depend on the speaker’s dialect.

Improving your pronunciation of “vegetable”

If you’re struggling with the correct pronunciation of “vegetable”, there are a few things you can do to improve. First, listen carefully to how native speakers say the word. You can use online dictionaries or language learning apps to hear different pronunciations. Make note of the differences between the various pronunciations and try to mimic the one that feels most natural to you.

You can also practice saying the word in isolation and in a sentence. Pay attention to the stress and intonation of the word. Most speakers stress the first syllable (“VEJ-“), but there may be some variation depending on the speaker. Try to match the stress and intonation of the word to how native speakers say it.

Common mispronunciations of “vegetable”

There are a few common mispronunciations of “vegetable” that non-native speakers may make. One is “vuh-JEH-tuh-buhl”, which switches the stress onto the second syllable. Another is “vee-JEH-tuh-buhl”, which may be influenced by French or other Romance languages. Finally, some may pronounce the word as “VEJ-tuh-guhl” or “VEH-tuh-guhl”, dropping the second syllable or substituting it with a “g” sound.

Other vegetable-related vocabulary

If you’re going to be speaking English about vegetables, there are a few other related words you may want to learn to pronounce correctly. These include “broccoli” (“BRUH-koh-lee”), “zucchini” (“zoo-KEE-nee”), and “asparagus” (“uh-SPAIR-uh-gus”). Learning to pronounce these words correctly will help you communicate more effectively when talking about vegetables in English.


Pronouncing “vegetable” correctly in English can be tricky, but with the right practice and attention to detail, you can improve your pronunciation and communicate more effectively. Remember to listen to native speakers, practice saying the word in context, and focus on stress and intonation. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this essential word in English vocabulary.