> 口语知识 > 15th怎么读英语




15th is a numeric term in English language denoting the ordinal position of fifteenth in a series. It can sometimes be tricky to pronounce and write 15th in English. This article will guide you through the pronunciation and usage of 15th.

Pronunciation of 15th

To pronounce 15th correctly, you need to stress the second syllable of the word – "fif-teenth." When pronouncing, make sure to pronounce "fif" clearly and stress the "teen" as well. Avoid adding an extra "t" sound at the end of "teenth."

Usage of 15th

The 15th is used to represent the ordinal numbering for the fifteenth position in a given series. For example, January 15th means the fifteenth day of January. It's essential to note that when writing the ordinal number, the "th" should be added to the end of the number.

Alternative ways to write 15th

Instead of writing 15th, there are alternative ways you can represent it with letters. You can write it out in full as 'fifteenth' or use Roman numerals to represent it, XV. Also, you can use the numeric number 15 followed by the letters 'th,' resulting in 15th.


In conclusion, 15th is the ordinal position of "fifteenth" in a given series. The pronunciation can be tricky, but if you stress the second syllable and avoid adding the extra "t" sound at the end of "teenth," you will pronounce it correctly. Always add "th" to the end of the number when writing it. Lastly, there are alternative ways to write it out in full, use Roman numerals, or with the numeric number 15 followed by the letters 'th.'