> 口语知识 > 12的怎么读英语




Learning how to properly read numbers in English can be difficult, especially when dealing with numbers that have multiple digits. One number that often causes confusion is 12. In this article, we will explore the different ways to pronounce 12 in English.


The most common way to read 12 in English is simply "twelve". This word is pronounced with a "tweh" sound at the beginning and a "lve" sound at the end. It is important to stress the "lve" sound, as this distinguishes it from similar-sounding words like "elf" or "else".


Another way to refer to the number 12 is by using the word "dozen". This word is commonly used when referring to a group of 12 items. For example, a dozen eggs or a dozen roses. The word "dozen" is pronounced with a "duhz" sound at the beginning and a "zuhn" sound at the end.


The ordinal form of 12 is "twelfth". This is used to indicate the position of something in a series, such as "the twelfth month of the year" or "the twelfth chapter of the book". "Twelfth" is pronounced with a "twelf" sound at the beginning and a "th" sound at the end.

Twelve o'clock

When referring to the time 12:00, it is common to say "twelve o'clock". This is pronounced with a "tweh" sound at the beginning of "twelve" and a "uhk" sound at the end of "o'clock".


Overall, there are different ways to pronounce the number 12 in English. The most common way is "twelve", but it can also be referred to as "dozen" or "twelfth" depending on the context. When discussing the time 12:00, it is appropriate to say "twelve o'clock". With practice and understanding, reading numbers in English can become easier and more intuitive.