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Introduction: What is orange?

Orange is a fruit that belongs to the citrus family. It is a round fruit that has a thick, leathery skin that can be peeled away to reveal the juicy, sweet flesh inside. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients that are beneficial for our health. They are used in a variety of ways, from eating fresh to making juice, marmalade, and even in cooking savory dishes.

Pronunciation of Orange:

The pronunciation of the word "orange" in English can be a bit tricky for non-native speakers. The word has two different accepted pronunciations: "AH-ranj" with a soft "a", or "OR-ij" with a stronger "o" sound. Both pronunciations are considered correct, and it comes down to personal preference or regional dialect.

Origin and Etymology:

The word "orange" has an interesting etymology. It comes from the Sanskrit word "naranga", which was adopted by the Persian language as "naranj". When the word was introduced to the English language in the 14th century, it was spelled "orenge". The "n" was eventually dropped from the spelling, and "orange" became the modern spelling in the 16th century.

Cultural Significance:

Oranges have played a role in many cultures throughout history. In traditional Chinese culture, oranges are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and are often given as gifts during the Chinese New Year. In some Western cultures, oranges are associated with Christmas and are used in decorating Christmas trees. Oranges also have a strong association with Florida, USA- the state is known for producing high-quality oranges, and the fruit is even featured on Florida's license plates.


Orange is a versatile and delicious fruit that has a rich history and cultural significance. Whether you prefer the "AH-ranj" or "OR-ij" pronunciation, there's no denying the freshness and nutritional benefits of this wonderful fruit. So next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to pick up some juicy oranges and enjoy all they have to offer!