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"Talking" is a common verb in the English language that refers to the act of communicating through speech. However, for non-native English speakers, figuring out the pronunciation of the word can be daunting. In this article, we will discuss how to correctly pronounce "talking" in English.

The Correct Pronunciation of "Talking"

The word "talking" is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable, "talk." The "alk" in "talk" is pronounced with a shortened "o" sound, similar to the "o" in "hot," "spot," or "not." The second syllable, "ing," is pronounced with a long "i" sound, like the "i" in "fine" or "might."

Common Mispronunciations

One common mistake that non-native English speakers make is to pronounce the "a" in "talk" with an "aw" sound. This results in the word sounding more like "taw-king." Another mistake is to overemphasize the second syllable, resulting in the word sounding like "talk-eeng."

How to Practice the Correct Pronunciation

Practice saying "talking" out loud, emphasizing the first syllable and pronouncing the "alk" with a shortened "o" sound. Listen to native English speakers saying the word, and try to mimic their pronunciation. It may also be helpful to use online resources or language learning apps to practice your pronunciation.

Other Words That Sound Like "Talking"

There are other words in English that sound similar to "talking." For example, "walking," "running," and "cooking" all have the same "alk" sound as "talking." However, the emphasis and pronunciation of the first syllable differ in each word, so it is important to pay close attention to the specific pronunciation of each word when speaking.


Pronouncing "talking" correctly is important for effective communication in the English language. By practicing the correct pronunciation and paying attention to the pronunciation of other words with similar sounds, non-native English speakers can improve their communication skills and sound more like native speakers.