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> 有关“native”的文章
  • 保持学习英语


    Why keep learning English? Learning English is becoming increasingly important in our world today. English is widely used as a language of communi...

    04-16 883 668 未分类
  • 土豆怎么读英语


    Introduction Potatoes are one of the most commonly consumed vegetables in the world, and are a staple food item for many cultures. In English, we ...

    04-16 656 392 未分类
  • 长颈鹿怎么读英语


    Introduction Long-necked animals are peculiar and fascinating creatures that inhabit different parts of the world. These animals have long necks t...

    04-16 168 984 未分类
  • share怎么读英语


    What is the pronunciation of "share" in English? Share is a common English verb, and its pronunciation can vary depending on the speakers' accents...

    04-16 487 49 未分类
  • orange怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is orange? Orange is a fruit that belongs to the citrus family. It is a round fruit that has a thick, leathery skin that can be...

    04-16 207 523 未分类
  • elephant怎么读英语


    What is the correct pronunciation of '.elephant' in English? '.elephant' is a programming language syntax element and not an English word with a c...

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