> 口语知识 > 14th怎么读英语




14th is a common term that people encounter in different situations. It can refer to different things such as the 14th amendment, the 14th century, or 14th Street. However, many people are unsure about how to pronounce this term correctly. In this article, we will explain how to pronounce 14th in English and provide some examples of its usage in context.

How to pronounce 14th

The correct way to pronounce 14th in English is "fourteenth". The word is pronounced with four syllables, and the stress is on the first syllable "four". The "t" at the end of "fourteenth" is not silent, and you should pronounce it.

Here's an example of the correct pronunciation:

"I live on 14th Street."

Pronounced as: "I live on fourteenth Street."

Common uses of 14th

14th can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some common uses of the term:

  • The 14th amendment - this amendment to the US Constitution established equal rights and protections for all citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity.
  • The 14th century - this refers to the time period between the years 1301 and 1400.
  • 14th Street - this is a popular street name in many cities, and it usually refers to the fourteenth street from a city's downtown area.
  • 14th floor - this refers to the fourteenth story of a building or skyscraper.

Examples of 14th in context

Here are some examples of how 14th can be used in context:

  • "The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868."
  • "He is a historian specializing in the art of the 14th century."
  • "The store is located on 14th Street."
  • "The party is on the 14th floor of the building."


14th is a common term in English that can refer to different things depending on the context. It is important to pronounce it correctly as "fourteenth" with the stress on the first syllable and a pronounced "t" at the end. By understanding the different uses of this term and how to pronounce it, you can improve your English vocabulary and communication skills.