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> 有关“means”的文章
  • hardly怎么读英语


    What is "hardly"? "Hardly" is a word that is widely used in the English language, but how it is pronounced can sometimes be confusing. In this ar...

    04-16 507 649 未分类
  • postcard怎么读英语


    Introduction If you are an English language learner, you may have come across the word "postcard" while studying. In this article, we will discuss...

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  • 27th怎么读英语


    Introduction When it comes to pronouncing numbers in English, there can be some confusion, especially for non-native speakers. One number that oft...

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  • 高效学习的英文


    Introduction Learning is a continuous process, and it is crucial to understand how to learn effectively. To learn a new skill or subject, it is im...

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  • sports怎么读英语


    How to Pronounce "Sports" Correctly in English Sports are a popular pastime around the world, but do you know how to pronounce the word "sports" c...

    04-16 928 271 未分类
  • noisy怎么读英语


    What is "noisy" in English "Noisy" is an adjective in English that describes something or someone that makes a lot of noise. It can be used to ref...

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  • tons怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is '.tons' in English and How to Read It? 'Tons' is a common English word that refers to a measurement unit for weight, equal t...

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  • 鞭炮怎么读英语


    Introduction Firecrackers are an integral part of Chinese culture that has been around for centuries. It is an essential part of celebrations thro...

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  • russia怎么读英语


    Introduction Russia is a country located in northern Eurasia. It is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's...

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  • cousin怎么读英语


    What is the correct pronunciation for “cousin” in English? One of the most challenging aspects of learning English is understanding how to properl...

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