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What is "hardly"?

"Hardly" is a word that is widely used in the English language, but how it is pronounced can sometimes be confusing. In this article, we will take a closer look at the proper pronunciation of "hardly" and how it is used in everyday conversation.

How to Pronounce "Hardly"

The word "hardly" is pronounced as "hahrd-lee", with a soft "h" sound at the beginning. The stress of the word is on the first syllable. This means that the "har" in "hardly" is stressed and pronounced more clearly than the "-dly".

What Does "Hardly" Mean?

"Hardly" is often used as an adverb to mean "barely" or "almost not". For example, "I hardly saw her at the party" means that the speaker saw the person very little at the party. "He hardly ever eats breakfast" means that the person rarely eats breakfast.

Other Meanings of "Hardly"

"Hardly" can also be used to express disapproval or criticism. For example, "She can hardly be considered a good role model" means that the speaker does not think the person is a good role model at all. Similarly, "He can hardly be considered an expert on the subject" means that the speaker doubts the person's expertise on the subject.

Synonyms for "Hardly"

There are several synonyms for "hardly" that can be used in its place. These include "scarcely", "barely", "almost not", "rarely", and "seldom".


Knowing the correct pronunciation and meanings of "hardly" can help improve your English language skills. Remember to stress the first syllable in "hahrd-lee" and use it to mean "barely" or "almost not". But also be aware that it can also be used to express disapproval or criticism. Finally, feel free to use synonyms for "hardly" to add variety to your writing and conversation.