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What is '.meal' in English?

'.meal' is actually not a commonly used word in English. It is not a word in the traditional sense, but rather a file extension used in web development. The '.meal' file extension stands for a Meal Planning file. It is used to generate customized meal plans for users. So, in this case, the pronunciation of '.meal' would not follow English pronunciation rules but rather technical ones.

Technical Pronunciation of '.meal'

Technically, '.meal' would be pronounced as "dot-meal," where the word 'dot' refers to the period before the word 'meal'. This is a common practice in web development to differentiate between different file extensions. Other file extensions such as '.jpg' and '.pdf' would also follow this naming convention, with 'jpg' pronounced as "dot-jay-peg" and 'pdf' pronounced as "dot-p-d-f."

Common Mispronunciations of '.meal'

As mentioned earlier, '.meal' is not a commonly used word in the English language, resulting in a lack of knowledge about its actual pronunciation. One of the most common mistakes people make is pronouncing it as "meal" like the one you eat. Another common mistake is to pronounce it as "meal-dot," where 'meal' is followed by the word 'dot.' However, these pronunciations are incorrect and could potentially lead to confusion among those who are familiar with the file extension.

The Importance of Pronouncing '.meal' Correctly

While it may seem trivial to pronounce '.meal' correctly, it is an important detail in the world of web development. This is because correctly pronouncing file extensions allows developers to communicate more effectively and avoid confusion. Mispronouncing '.meal' could result in miscommunication, leading to improperly generated meal plans, which could negatively impact a user's experience. Therefore, it's crucial to take the time to learn the right pronunciation of file extensions.


In conclusion, '.meal' is a file extension used in web development to generate customized meal plans for users. It is pronounced as "dot-meal" according to technical naming conventions. The common mispronunciations of '.meal' could lead to confusion among those who are familiar with the file extension, making it essential to learn the correct pronunciation to communicate effectively. Paying attention to the small details, such as correctly pronouncing file extensions, is crucial in creating a seamless user experience when it comes to web development.