> 口语知识 > resource怎么读英语




Resource is a common word in the English language, used to refer to any material, information or asset that can be utilized for a specific purpose. The pronunciation of 'resource' is ree-sawrs with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Definition of Resource

A resource refers to any tool, material or information that can be used to complete a task or achieve a goal. It can come in different forms ranging from physical resources such as equipment, facilities, and supplies to intangible resources such as knowledge, expertise, and time.

Types of Resource

Resources can be broadly categorized into natural resources, human resources, and man-made resources. Natural resources include minerals, oil, forests, and fisheries, while human resources refer to the skills, knowledge and expertise of people. Man-made resources include machinery, infrastructure, and technology.

Importance of Resource Management

Effective management of resources is essential in any organization or project. It involves identifying, prioritizing and allocating resources to ensure that they are optimally utilized. Proper resource management helps to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and achieve desired results.


In conclusion, 'resource' is a common word in English language that refers to any material, information, or asset that can be utilized for a specific purpose. Resources can be categorized into various types, and their effective management is crucial for success in any endeavor. By mastering the pronunciation and understanding of this word, you can communicate more effectively with English speakers.