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> 有关“practice”的文章
  • fishing怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is "fishing"? "Fishing" (pronounced "fih-shing") is a popular outdoor recreational activity where people catch fish using vario...

    04-16 126 67 未分类
  • brain怎么读英语


    What is Brain-Based Learning? Brain-based learning is an educational approach that emphasizes the role of the brain in the learning process. The i...

    04-16 26 34 未分类
  • pianist怎么读英语


    Introduction As a pianist, it is important to be able to communicate effectively in English in order to collaborate with other musicians, interact...

    04-16 774 400 未分类
  • meal怎么读英语


    What is '.meal' in English? '.meal' is actually not a commonly used word in English. It is not a word in the traditional sense, but rather a file ...

    04-16 845 468 未分类
  • 斑马怎么读英语


    Introduction When learning a new language, it is essential to master the pronunciation of words. This includes not only individual sounds but also...

    03-10 755 844 未分类