> 口语知识 > 长颈鹿怎么读英语




Long-necked animals are peculiar and fascinating creatures that inhabit different parts of the world. These animals have long necks that enable them to reach leaves and branches that other animals cannot. One of the most famous long-necked animals is the giraffe, but in this article, we will explore how to read and pronounce the word "long neck" in English and how it applies to the giraffe.

Giraffe: The Long-necked Animal

The word "giraffe" is often used interchangeably with "long-necked animal." The giraffe has a very long neck that can reach up to 1.8 meters, which is a result of the elongation of its neck vertebrae. The giraffe is native to Africa and is known for its spots, long legs, and long neck. When reading the word "giraffe" in English, it is pronounced with a hard "g" sound followed by an "i" sound.

The Pronunciation of "Long Neck"

The word "long neck" is a phrase that is often used to describe animals such as the giraffe. When pronouncing this phrase in English, it is important to pay attention to the stress on each word. In "long neck," the stress is on "long," and in "neck," the stress is on the first syllable. The "e" in "neck" sounds like a short "e" as in "let." Thus, when reading the phrase "long neck," it is pronounced as "lông nek."

The Symbolic Meaning of Giraffes

The giraffe has become more than just a long-necked animal in popular culture. It has become a symbol of grace, elegance, and beauty. The giraffe's long neck is not just for feeding, but it is also used as a weapon for fighting. This symbolism of the giraffe has made it a popular animal in art, literature, and culture. When reading or hearing the word "giraffe" in English, it is important to remember its symbolic significance as well as its physical characteristics.

Giraffes in English Idioms

Giraffes can also be found in English idioms and sayings. For example, "to stick one's neck out" means to take a risk or do something risky. This idiom comes from the giraffe's characteristic of sticking its neck out to reach for food, which can be risky if there are predators around. Another idiom that includes the word "giraffe" is "to have a long neck." This idiom means that someone is nosy or curious and is always interested in other people's business. Understanding these idioms and sayings can give learners of English a deeper understanding and appreciation of the language.


In conclusion, long-necked animals are fascinating creatures that have attracted many people's attention for centuries. The giraffe is one of the most famous long-necked animals, and its long neck has made it a symbol of grace and elegance. When reading or hearing the word "giraffe" or "long neck" in English, it is important to remember their pronunciation, symbolism, and significance in the English language.