> 口语知识 > fire怎么读英语




Fire is a word commonly used in English to describe the phenomenon of combustion, which produces heat and light. However, the pronunciation of this word can sometimes be confusing for non-native English speakers. In this article, we will explore the different ways to pronounce "fire" in English.

Fire as a noun

As a noun, fire is pronounced as /fai-er/ with two syllables. The first syllable is pronounced as the word "fly" and the second is pronounced as the word "air". For example, "There was a fire in the building."

Fire as a verb

As a verb, fire has two different pronunciations. When used to describe the act of shooting a gun or a weapon, it is pronounced as /fai-er/ just like the noun. For example, "He fired his gun at the target."

However, when used to describe the act of dismissing someone from a job or a position, it is pronounced as /fai-yer/ with two syllables. The first syllable is pronounced as the word "fly" and the second is prolonged with a "y" sound. For example, "The boss fired the employee for being late."

Fire in idiomatic expressions

Fire is often used in idiomatic expressions in English, each with a specific pronunciation. For instance, "set the world on fire" is pronounced as /fai-er/, "under fire" is pronounced as /fai-er/, "playing with fire" is pronounced as /fai-er/, "fighting fire with fire" is pronounced as /fai-er/, and "draw fire" is pronounced as /fai-er/.

Regional variations in pronunciation

Like many words in English, the pronunciation of fire can vary depending on the region. For example, in some parts of the world, such as the Southern United States, fire is pronounced with only one syllable: /far/. In some dialects of British English, fire is pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable: /fi-uh/.


In conclusion, the pronunciation of the word fire in English can vary depending on its usage, the region, or if it is part of an idiomatic expression. While it may be confusing at first, non-native English speakers can improve their pronunciation of fire and other English words through practice and exposure to the language.
