> 口语知识 > dumplings怎么读英语




Dumplings, a staple food in many Asian countries, can be found in various styles and flavors around the world. However, the pronunciation of "dumplings" in English is often a subject of confusion among non-native speakers. In this article, we will discuss the proper way to pronounce "dumplings" in English to help you speak more confidently.

The Correct Pronunciation of "Dumplings"

The correct pronunciation of "dumplings" in English is "DUHM-puh lings". The first syllable is stressed, and the "p" should be pronounced with a soft "p" sound, meaning your lips should barely touch when you say it. The second syllable is pronounced like the word "pull", and the final "ings" is pronounced like the word "rings". Putting all the sounds together, you should say "DUHM-puh lings".

Common Mispronunciations of "Dumplings"

There are several common mispronunciations of "dumplings" in English. One is pronouncing the "p" with a hard sound so that it sounds like "dump-lings". Another mistake is stressing the second syllable, so you say "dum-PLINGS". These errors may cause confusion and misunderstandings, especially when you are ordering food in a restaurant or talking to native speakers.

Listening and Practicing

One way to improve your pronunciation of "dumplings" is to listen to how native speakers say it and practice repeating it. You can find examples on YouTube or other online resources, such as pronunciation exercises or language learning apps. You can also record yourself speaking and compare it to the native speaker's pronunciation to spot any differences and work on correcting them.

Other Varieties of "Dumplings"

There are many varieties of dumplings around the world, such as Chinese jiaozi, Japanese gyoza, Korean mandu, Polish pierogi, and Italian ravioli. Each type has its own unique pronunciation, so if you are interested in trying them, it's a good idea to learn their proper pronunciation as well. In this way, you can not only expand your culinary horizons but also improve your language skills.


Pronouncing "dumplings" correctly may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in your communication skills and cultural understanding. By mastering the pronunciation, you can speak with confidence and clarity and show your respect for different cultures. So, next time you order some dumplings in English, say "DUHM-puh lings" with pride and enjoy your delicious meal!