> 口语知识 > 二年级英语怎么学




As children advance in their academic journey, the need to learn a second language becomes more imperative. Therefore, in their second year of primary school, children are introduced to English as a second language, and it is essential that they learn it effectively. In this article, we will discuss how to teach and learn English as a second language to second-grade students.

Focus on vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is the cornerstone of any language. Therefore, teaching children new words is crucial. Teachers can arrange, for example, different thematic lessons, such as "food," "animals," "colors," or "family," and introduce new words around these themes. It is also essential to teach vocabulary using a multisensory approach, through pictures, videos, and games as it makes learning more enjoyable and effective.

Use of songs and rhymes

Children learn through play and repetition, so singing songs and reciting rhymes is a fun and effective way to help them learn English. The teacher can choose songs and rhymes that are simple and catchy, like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "The Wheels On The Bus." Through these songs and rhymes, children can also learn new vocabulary and pronunciation.

Practice reading and writing

The reading and writing skills are crucial in learning a language. Teachers can use simple sentences and paragraphs that follow a familiar structure to help children learn new words and structures. Playful reading activities, such as matching exercises, picture naming, and fill-in-the-blank activities, can help children engage with English and gain confidence in their reading abilities. Furthermore, as children practice writing, they can develop their spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills.

Encourage conversations

Teaching children to communicate in a second language is the ultimate goal. It is crucial to encourage children to speak in English whenever possible. Teachers can arrange different activities that require children to communicate with their peers, such as show-and-tell, sharing stories, or role-playing. These activities will help children gain confidence in their communication abilities and build their vocabulary and grammar skills.


Learning English as a second language is essential for children's academic and social development. It is crucial to use a variety of teaching methodologies, including vocabulary building, songs, and rhymes, reading and writing exercises, and communication opportunities, to ensure that children learn effectively. With this approach, teachers can help children develop their English proficiency at an early age, making it easier for them to learn and communicate in English in the future.