> 口语知识 > nezha怎么读英语




'Nezha' is a well-known figure in Chinese mythology and folklore. With the recent release of the animated film 'Ne Zha,' many people are wondering how to correctly pronounce this name in English. In this article, we will explore the different ways to pronounce 'Nezha' in English and the reasons behind them.

English Pronunciation: 'Neh-jah' or 'Neh-zah'?

The correct pronunciation of 'Nezha' in English is a subject of debate among language experts. Some argue that the correct pronunciation is 'Neh-jah' because the Chinese character for 'zha' (渣) is sometimes pronounced with a 'j' sound in Chinese. However, others argue that the correct pronunciation is 'Neh-zah' because the 'zh' sound is not common in English, and the closest equivalent is the 'z' sound. Ultimately, both pronunciations are acceptable, and it ultimately depends on the speaker's preference and whether they want to stay closer to the original pronunciation in Chinese or adapt it to English.

How to Pronounce 'Nezha' in English?

If you choose to pronounce 'Nezha' as 'Neh-jah', you would stress the first syllable 'Neh' and add a 'j' sound to the 'zha' syllable, which would sound like 'jah.' If you choose to pronounce it as 'Neh-zah', you would stress the first syllable 'Neh' and pronounce the 'zha' syllable with a 'z' sound followed by a neutral vowel sound 'uh.'

The Importance of Cultural Context

It's worth noting that when speaking about 'Nezha' in English, it's important to provide some context or explanation about who or what 'Nezha' is because it's not a familiar name or figure in Western culture. 'Nezha' is a mythological figure in Chinese culture known for his bravery, rebellious spirit, and supernatural powers. He is often depicted as a young boy with pigtails riding on a fire wheel. Thus, when introducing 'Nezha' to someone who is not familiar with this figure, it's important to provide some context or background about the significance of this name and its cultural origins.


In conclusion, there is not one correct way to pronounce 'Nezha' in English, and it ultimately depends on personal preference and the cultural context in which it's used. Whether you choose to pronounce it as 'Neh-jah' or 'Neh-zah,' it's important to provide some background information or context about its meaning and significance in Chinese culture when introducing it to non-Chinese speakers.