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What is Urgent?

Urgent is an English word that means something is important and requires immediate attention or action. The word is often used to describe situations that require prompt action, such as urgent medical attention or an urgent business matter.

How to Pronounce Urgent?

The word "Urgent" is pronounced with two syllables. The first syllable is pronounced "ur" and the second syllable is pronounced "gent". The stress is on the first syllable, "ur". To pronounce it correctly, start with "ur" sound and then quickly add "gent".

Common Usage of Urgent

The word "Urgent" is used in many different contexts. In business, it might be used to describe a critical issue that needs to be addressed immediately. In medicine, it could describe a patient who requires immediate attention or a medical condition that is worsening rapidly. In emergencies, it might be used to describe a situation that requires immediate action, such as an urgent phone call or an urgent evacuation.

Related Words to Urgent

There are several related words to Urgent that you might find useful. For example, "emergency" is similar in meaning to urgent, but it generally describes a more serious situation that requires immediate action. Another related word is "critical," which can be used to describe something that is essential or vital. In addition, "pressing" is a similar word that is often used to describe a matter that needs to be dealt with urgently.


In conclusion, "Urgent" is an English word that means something is important and requires immediate action. It is a useful word that is often used in business, medicine, and emergencies. To pronounce it correctly, remember to stress the first syllable. In addition, there are a number of related words that you can use to describe urgent situations, including emergency, critical, and pressing.