> 口语知识 > letter怎么读英语



What is the pronunciation of '.letter' in English?

In English, the mark ' (apostrophe), also known as a single quote mark, is used for various purposes, including indicating contractions and possessives. When it is used immediately before the letter "let" in a word, it is pronounced as a glottal stop, a sound made by closing the vocal cords briefly.

For example, the word "let's" is pronounced "letz" with a glottal stop after the "t." Similarly, the word "don't" is pronounced "dont" with a glottal stop after the "n."

Why is the glottal stop used?

The glottal stop is used to replace the sound of the /t/ sound in English when it comes before a vowel sound, such as in the words "don't," "can't," and "won't." This is because in natural spoken English, the /t/ sound is often replaced with a glottal stop when it comes before a vowel sound.

The glottal stop can also replace other speech sounds like /p/ and /k/ under certain conditions, but this is less common in English.

Where is the glottal stop commonly used?

The glottal stop is commonly used in various dialects of English, including British English, American English, and Caribbean English.

It is also used in other languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, where it is represented by a symbol called Hamza or Aleph, respectively.

How do non-native speakers learn to pronounce the glottal stop?

Non-native speakers may find it difficult to learn to pronounce the glottal stop as it is not commonly used in many other languages.

One way to learn to pronounce it is to practice making the sound by interrupting the flow of air when pronouncing the letter "h" and then releasing it. Another way is to listen to and imitate native speakers who use the glottal stop naturally in conversation.

Do all English speakers use the glottal stop?

No, not all English speakers use the glottal stop. Some speakers in certain regions, such as parts of England, use it more commonly than others.

However, the glottal stop is generally considered a natural and acceptable variant of the English language, and it is important for non-native speakers to be aware of it as they learn to speak and communicate in English.