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> 有关“vowel”的文章
  • frightened怎么读英语


    Introduction As an English learner, it can be challenging to pronounce words correctly. One commonly mispronounced word is "frightened." In this a...

    04-16 562 67 未分类
  • milk怎么读英语单词


    Introduction Milk is a commonly consumed dairy product that provides essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamins. The word milk is ...

    04-16 7 123 未分类
  • gotobed怎么读英语


    Introduction Gotobed is a word in English that can be difficult to pronounce for non-native English speakers. The pronunciation of gotobed often c...

    04-16 608 601 未分类
  • turns怎么读英语


    What is "turns" in English? In English, "turns" is a noun that refers to a change in direction or an action of rotating around an axis. It can als...

    04-16 947 352 未分类
  • wich怎么读英语


    What is "wich" in English? "Wich" is not a word in standard English. However, it may be a shortened form of other English words, such as sandwich ...

    04-16 909 4 未分类
  • official怎么读英语


    Introduction Official is a common term in English that is used to describe something that has been formally approved or authorized by an authority...

    04-16 714 301 未分类
  • sunday怎么读英语


    How to Pronounce "Sunday" in English As one of the most commonly used words in the English language, "Sunday" is often pronounced incorrectly by n...

    04-16 463 385 未分类
  • prepare怎么读英语


    Introduction Prepare is a commonly used verb in English, and it can be pronounced in two different ways depending on its context. In this article,...

    04-16 787 208 未分类
  • excuse怎么读英语


    Introduction Excuse is one of the most commonly used words in English conversation. It's important to know how to pronounce this word correctly as...

    04-16 843 388 未分类
  • farmer怎么读英语语音


    Introduction Farmer is an important word in agricultural societies. It refers to a person who cultivates crops or raises livestock. But do you kno...

    03-10 137 93 未分类