> 口语知识 > excuse怎么读英语




Excuse is one of the most commonly used words in English conversation. It's important to know how to pronounce this word correctly as it can have different meanings depending on the tone and inflection used. In this article, we will look at the correct way to pronounce the word "excuse" in various contexts and how it can be used in daily conversation.

Pronunciation of "Excuse"

The word "excuse" is pronounced as "ik-skyooz" in American English and "ik-skyoos" in British English. The first syllable "ik" is pronounced with a short "i" sound, like the word "ick". The second syllable "skyooz" is pronounced with a soft "s" sound and the vowel sound is similar to "you" in the word "cute". The stress is on the first syllable, so it's important to emphasize this when pronouncing the word.

Using "Excuse" as a Noun

As a noun, "excuse" refers to a reason or explanation given to justify or defend a certain action. Examples of this include "I'm sorry, but I have a valid excuse for being late" or "He made an excuse for not attending the meeting." In these contexts, the word is used to indicate that someone is providing a justifiable explanation for something that may otherwise seem unacceptable.

Using "Excuse" as a Verb

As a verb, "excuse" refers to an act of justifying or pardoning someone for what they did. Examples of this include "She excused me from doing the dishes" or "He excused himself from the meeting." In these contexts, the word is used to indicate that someone is giving permission to another person to avoid doing something or allowing them to leave a situation early.

Common Idioms with "Excuse"

There are several common idioms in English that use the word "excuse". One of them is "make excuses", which means to provide reasons for why you cannot or did not do something. Another is "no excuse", which is used when there is no acceptable justification for a certain behavior or action. A third idiom is "excuse me", which is used to politely ask someone to move out of the way or to get their attention in a crowded place.


In conclusion, "excuse" is a versatile word that can be used in many contexts. Whether used as a noun or a verb, it's important to remember the correct pronunciation and to use it appropriately in conversation. Knowing the different idioms associated with the word can also help in understanding its meaning in various settings. So, the next time you hear someone say "excuse me", you'll know exactly what they mean!