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syllable - 第3页|三一口语
> 有关“syllable”的文章 - 第3页
  • thirsty怎么读英语


    Introduction Thirsty is a common English word that describes the feeling of needing to drink. However, many people, especially non-native English ...

    04-16 409 861 未分类
  • review怎么读英语


    Introduction "Review" is a common word in English and you may encounter it in various contexts such as film reviews, book reviews, and product rev...

    04-16 593 706 未分类
  • chopsticks怎么读英语


    Introduction If you have ever eaten food from an Asian country, chances are you have used chopsticks at one point or another. Chopsticks are commo...

    04-16 717 656 未分类
  • wishes怎么读英语


    Introduction Wishes are an important part of our lives as they reflect our desires and aspirations. Whether it is for personal growth or for the g...

    04-16 86 31 未分类
  • 第二十怎么读英语


    Introduction The number 20 is an essential component of our numeral system, and it's commonly used in everyday life. However, some people struggle...

    03-10 838 331 未分类