> 口语知识 > thirsty怎么读英语




Thirsty is a common English word that describes the feeling of needing to drink. However, many people, especially non-native English speakers, may struggle with how to properly pronounce this word. In this article, we will discuss the correct pronunciation of thirsty and provide some tips on how to improve your English pronunciation skills.

How to pronounce 'thirsty'

The word "thirsty" is pronounced as "THUR-stee" in English. The first syllable "THUR" rhymes with the word "fur," and the second syllable "stee" rhymes with the word "bee." To get the correct pronunciation, it is important to stress the first syllable and pronounce the "th" sound in "thirsty" correctly. The "th" sound is made by placing your tongue between your teeth and blowing out air.

Common mistakes in pronouncing 'thirsty'

One of the most common mistakes non-native English speakers make when pronouncing "thirsty" is by pronouncing the "th" sound as "f" or "v." For example, some people might pronounce "thirsty" as "firs-tee" or "virs-tee." Another common mistake is not stressing the first syllable. It is important to stress the first syllable to distinguish "thirsty" from other words such as "Thursday" or "through."

Practice tips to improve your pronunciation

If you are struggling with the pronunciation of "thirsty," there are some practice tips that you can follow to improve your English pronunciation skills. One of the best ways to practice is to listen to native English speakers and repeat after them. You can also use online pronunciation tools or apps that provide audio and visual examples of how to pronounce English words correctly.

In addition, it is important to practice your pronunciation in context. Try to use the word "thirsty" in sentences, for example, "I am thirsty after exercising," or "I feel thirsty when I eat spicy food." This will help you get used to the correct pronunciation of the word and also improve your overall English speaking skills.


In conclusion, "thirsty" is pronounced as "THUR-stee" in English, and it is important to stress the first syllable and pronounce the "th" sound correctly. Non-native English speakers may struggle with this word, but by following the practice tips mentioned above, they can improve their pronunciation and overall English speaking skills.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With time and effort, you will be able to master the pronunciation of "thirsty" and other tricky English words.