> 2023 > 3月 - 第8页
  • 大学英语怎么学


    为什么要学好大学英语 大学英语是大学生必修的一门学科,也是英语学习的重要阶段。学好大学英语,不仅可以提高英语水平,还能够使自己在以后的人生道路上更...

    03-10 427 191 口语知识
  • maths怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is Maths? Mathematics, commonly referred to as "math," is a subject that involves the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes....

    03-10 632 309 口语知识
  • sing怎么读英语


    What is '.sing'? 'Sing' is a domain extension, like '.com' or '.net', that was introduced in 2015. It is intended to be used specifically for webs...

    03-10 684 585 口语知识
  • 电话怎么读英语


    Introduction: What Is Phone Number and How to Read It in English A phone number is a unique set of digits used to contact a particular individual ...

    03-10 973 99 口语知识
  • rises怎么读英语


    Introduction Many English learners struggle with accurately pronouncing words ending with '-s' due to the various ways it can be pronounced. This ...

    03-10 641 472 口语知识
  • stuck怎么读英语


    What is '.stuck'? '.stuck' is an internet slang used to describe a feeling of being stuck or trapped in a particular situation. It is often used o...

    03-10 217 118 口语知识
  • class怎么读英语


    Introduction When we are talking about '.class' in relation to programming, we are referring to a file format used by Java programming language to...

    03-10 117 690 口语知识
  • 我要学英语


    为什么我要学英语 英语,是目前世界上通用的语言之一,几乎在全球所有国家都有使用。学习英语的人越来越多,这并不是为了简单地学习一门语言,而是为了从各...

    03-10 98 141 口语知识
  • 三明治怎么读英语


    Introduction:关于三明治 三明治是一种常见的食品,通常由填充在面包之间的食材制成。三明治的历史可以追溯到18世纪,在英国被发明,并在整个欧洲和美国广...

    03-10 922 365 口语知识
  • lift怎么读英语


    What is .lift? .lift is a file extension commonly used in software development projects. It is associated with the Lift web application framework,...

    03-10 641 117 口语知识