> 口语知识 > activity怎么读英语




In the field of computer programming, '.activity' is a term used to represent a user interface screen that is displayed to the end-user. When developers design an app, they usually create multiple screens that allow the user to interact with different features of the program. Each of these individual screens is referred to as an activity. In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce '.activity' in English language and its significance in programming.

Pronunciation of ".activity"

In the English language, '.activity' is pronounced as "dot-activity" or "period-activity." The word 'dot' or 'period' is used prior to the word 'activity' to emphasize the significance of the symbol preceding the word. The pronunciation varies from person to person and also depends on the linguistic accent.

Importance of ".activity" in Programming

In software development, '.activity' plays a significant role in user interface design. Developers use activities to create individual screens that allow users to interact with the app's features. Each screen must have a unique activity name to differentiate it from other screens. The name of the activity is used in various programming functions to perform operations such as starting a new screen, managing the lifecycle of the screen, and communicating between screens. Activities are also used as a unit of measure for calculating the size of an app.

Other Terminologies Related to ".activity"

In programming, there are other terminologies related to '.activity' that are important to understand. Some of them are:

  • Intent: It is a message passed between activities that contains information about the action to be performed.
  • Lifecycle: It refers to the sequence of states that an activity goes through from its creation to termination.
  • Fragment: It represents a portion of the user interface or behavior that can be combined with other fragments to make a single activity.


In conclusion, '.activity' is a crucial term used in programming to represent an individual screen in an app's user interface. It is important to understand the pronunciation of the term and its significance while developing Android applications. Activities are the building blocks of an app, and it is vital to name them appropriately and manage them efficiently to deliver a high-quality user experience to the end-user.