> 作者“sslake”的文章 - 第13页
  • 2011年怎么读英语


    Introduction Learning English has always been a top priority for many people around the world. In 2011, the internet was filled with resources tha...

    04-16 480 291 口语知识
  • 2:30怎么读英语


    Introduction When it comes to reading time in English, it is important to know the correct way of pronouncing the hours and minutes. One commonly ...

    04-16 76 643 口语知识
  • 50岁学英语改变命运


    50岁学英语改变命运 英语是国际通用语言,掌握好英语可以在国际上更广泛的交流与合作。对于许多人来说,学英语并不是一件易事,需要花费很多时间和精力。但...

    04-16 365 129 口语知识
  • 35岁学英语还来得及吗


    35岁学英语还来得及吗? 英语作为一门国际性语言已经深入人心,几乎成为必备的技能。然而,很多人在年轻时没有重视英语学习,到了中年以后才发现英语的重要...

    04-16 138 218 口语知识
  • 6个月学会任何一种外语


    如何在6个月内学会任何一种外语? 许多人都曾经想要学习一种外语,但是,很少有人可以坚持下去并真正掌握该语言。然而,如果你拥有正确的方法和态度,你在6...

    04-16 669 755 口语知识
  • 8th怎么读英语


    Introduction 8th is a common abbreviation for the adjective "eighth" in English. The pronunciation of this word may vary depending on the dialect ...

    04-16 678 658 口语知识
  • 24个英语字母快速学怎么读


    Introduction Learning to read and say the 24 English letters is one of the first steps in mastering the English language. These letters form the b...

    04-16 525 117 口语知识
  • 8月怎么读英语


    Introduction August is a great time to improve your English skills. Whether you're a student or a working professional, it's important to dedicate...

    04-16 294 543 口语知识
  • 500怎么读英语


    Introduction Learning a new language is a difficult task, but it is also an incredibly rewarding experience. English is one of the most widely spo...

    04-16 962 985 口语知识
  • 3rd怎么读英语


    Introduction 3rd怎么读英语?这是很多英语学习者都会遇到的问题。在英语中,数字序数词的读法是有规律的,只需要掌握一些基础知识就能够正确读音了。 Ordin...

    04-16 644 783 口语知识