> 口语知识 - 第109页
  • stairs怎么读英语


    Introduction Stairs, a word commonly used to refer to a set of steps leading from one level to another, is pronounced differently in different par...

    04-16 586 706 口语知识
  • would怎么读英语


    Introduction The word “would” is commonly used in English, and it has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In this art...

    04-16 369 543 口语知识
  • swing怎么读英语


    Introduction Swing is a popular GUI toolkit for developing desktop applications in Java. As a programmer working with Swing, it's important to kno...

    04-16 594 958 口语知识
  • watching怎么读英语


    Introduction Watching is a common verb in English that refers to the act of observing or paying attention to something. It is a part of our daily ...

    04-16 428 789 口语知识
  • 学好英语的技巧


    学好英语的技巧 英语作为一门全球通用语言,在现代社会中具有举足轻重的地位。学好英语不仅可以更好地融入国际社会,还可以为个人未来的职业发展打下重要基...

    04-16 133 973 口语知识
  • orange怎么读英语


    Introduction: What is orange? Orange is a fruit that belongs to the citrus family. It is a round fruit that has a thick, leathery skin that can be...

    04-16 207 571 口语知识
  • talking怎么读英语


    Introduction "Talking" is a common verb in the English language that refers to the act of communicating through speech. However, for non-native En...

    04-16 993 621 口语知识
  • fire怎么读英语


    Introduction Fire is a word commonly used in English to describe the phenomenon of combustion, which produces heat and light. However, the pronunc...

    04-16 0 629 口语知识
  • ride怎么读英语


    介绍 在英语中,“ride”可以作为名词或动词使用。作为动词时,它通常指骑车、骑马或乘坐某种交通工具。如果你不确定如何正确地发音这个单词,那么本文将向你...

    04-16 866 23 口语知识
  • spell怎么读英语


    什么是“spell”? “Spell”是一个英语单词,意为“拼写”。在英语中,拼写是非常重要的,因为英语中有很多同音但不同意的词汇,拼写错误可能会引起误解。 “spell...

    04-16 266 274 口语知识