> 口语知识 > front怎么读英语




Front is a common English word used in everyday language, as well as in various technical fields. Knowing how to properly pronounce it is important for effective communication. In this article, we will explore the correct pronunciation of "front" in English.

Pronunciation of "front"

In English, "front" is pronounced as /frʌnt/. This means that the first sound is "fr" as in "frog", followed by "ʌ" as in "cup", and "nt" as in "dent". The stress is on the first syllable "fr".

Common Mistakes in Pronouncing "front"

One common mistake that non-native English speakers make when pronouncing "front" is to misplace the stress. For example, they may say /frɔːnt/ or /frʊnt/ instead of /frʌnt/. Another mistake is to pronounce the "o" as a long vowel sound, such as /frōnt/, which is incorrect.

Practice Exercises

To improve your pronunciation of "front", you can practice saying the word aloud several times. Focus on the "fr" sound at the beginning and the "nt" sound at the end. You can also use tongue twisters that include the word "front", such as "Frankie found a friendly frog in the front yard". Listening to native English speakers pronounce the word can also be helpful.

Using "front" in Context

The word "front" has several different meanings and can be used in various contexts. For example, it can refer to the part of something that faces forward, such as the front of a car or a building. It can also mean the opposing side in a conflict, as in "frontline" or "frontier". Additionally, it can be used as a verb to mean "to face or confront".


Pronouncing "front" correctly in English is important for clear communication. Remember that the stress is on the first syllable and that the "o" is pronounced with a short vowel sound. With practice, you can improve your pronunciation and confidently use the word in various contexts.