> 口语知识 > long怎么读英语




In English, the word "long" can be pronounced in different ways depending on the context and the accent of the speaker. In this article, we will explore the various ways to pronounce "long" in English.

Long with the /ɔ:/ sound

One common way to pronounce "long" in English is with the /ɔ:/ sound, as in the word "song". This is known as the RP (Received Pronunciation) or BBC English accent, and it is commonly used in the UK. For example, "How long have you been living in London?" would be pronounced as "hɑʊ lɔŋ hæv ju bɪn ˈlɪvɪŋ ɪn ˈlʌndən?"

Long with the /oʊ/ sound

In American English, "long" is often pronounced with the /oʊ/ sound, as in "bone". For example, "It's been a long day" would be pronounced as "ɪts bɪn ə loʊŋ deɪ". This pronunciation is also common in Canadian and Australian English.

Long with the /ɑ:/ sound

In some English accents, such as the Australian accent or some Southern UK accents, "long" is pronounced with the /ɑ:/ sound, as in "balm". For example, "I have a long way to go" would be pronounced as "aɪ hæv ə lɑːŋ weɪ tə ɡoʊ".

Long with the /æ/ sound

In some American accents, particularly in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, "long" is pronounced with the /æ/ sound, as in "cat". For example, "It's been a long time since I've seen you" would be pronounced as "ɪts bɪn ə læŋ taɪm sɪns aɪv sin ju".

Long with the /əʊ/ sound

In some English accents, particularly in the north of the UK, "long" is pronounced with the /əʊ/ sound, as in "toe". For example, "Let's take the long way round" would be pronounced as "lets teɪk ðə ləʊŋ weɪ raʊnd". This pronunciation is also common in Irish English.


As we have seen, there are many ways to pronounce "long" in English, depending on the accent and context. It's important to be aware of these different pronunciations to improve your understanding of English and avoid misunderstandings in communication.