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What is the pronunciation of the letter 'j' in English?

The letter 'j' is one of 26 letters in the English alphabet. In most cases, it is pronounced as a consonant with a hard 'dzh' sound. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule.

The typical pronunciation of 'j'

When 'j' appears at the beginning of a word or syllable, it is pronounced with a hard 'dzh' sound, which is similar to the 'j' sound in many other languages, such as Spanish or French.Examples: jam, jay, join, just, jacket.

When 'j' appears in the middle of a word, it is also pronounced with a hard 'dzh' sound, as in words like giant or adjectives such as majestic or congested.

'J' can have a soft pronunciation

Some words that contain 'j' can be pronounced with a soft 'j' sound like the 'y' sound in the word yellow. This is often the case when 'j' follows an 'i' or 'e' and is pronounced as a separate syllable or in the middle of a word.Examples: Julie, Elijah, adjoin, inject.

'J' may be silent in certain words

While 'j' is typically pronounced with a hard 'dzh' sound, there are some words in which it is silent, meaning it is not pronounced at all. This is particularly common in words of French origin, where 'j' may have been pronounced in the original French word but is no longer pronounced in English.Examples: Jacques, dejavu, rejet, advection.

Pronunciation of 'g' and 'x' can be similar to 'j'

In some circumstances, the sounds made by the letters 'g' and 'x' may be similar to that of 'j'. In some words, 'g' can be pronounced with a 'j' sound, particularly when it follows an 'n', as in the word "gnarled". Additionally, the sound made by 'x' can be similar to a 'j' sound particularly when it appears in words of Latin origin, such as luxuriant or maxim.