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What is ".sour" and How to Pronounce It in English?

If you are reading this article, chances are you have come across a file extension that ends with ".sour". But what does it mean and how do you pronounce it in English? In this article, we will explore the origins of ".sour" and provide some guidance on how to correctly pronounce it in English.

What is ".sour"?

The ".sour" file extension is typically associated with the open-source software development tool called "Sourcetrail". Sourcetrail is a cross-platform source explorer that helps software developers navigate and understand complex codebases. The ".sour" extension is used by Sourcetrail to store project data, such as code dependencies, class hierarchies, function calls, and more.

How to Pronounce ".sour"?

The ".sour" extension is pronounced as "dot-sour". The word "dot" is commonly used as a shorthand for the period character (.) often used in file extensions. The word "sour" is pronounced with a long "o" sound, the same as the word "more". Together, the pronunciation sounds like "dot-more".

Why is Pronunciation Important?

Pronouncing file extensions correctly is essential, especially in the tech industry where jargon and acronyms are abundant. Mispronouncing a file extension could result in confusion or misunderstandings when communicating with colleagues or clients. It is also important to note that many popular file extensions, such as ".gif" and ".jpg", have non-intuitive pronunciations that can trip people up.

Other Commonly Mispronounced File Extensions

As mentioned earlier, there are many file extensions that are commonly mispronounced. Here are a few examples:

  • .gif: pronounced as "jif" or "gif" with a hard "g"
  • .jpg: pronounced as "jay-peg" or "juh-peg"
  • .pdf: pronounced as "pee-dee-eff" or "p-d-f"
  • .zip: pronounced as "zip" or "z-i-p"

As you can see, some pronunciations are more intuitive than others. It is always a good idea to double-check the correct pronunciation of a file extension before using it in a professional or academic setting.


In summary, the ".sour" file extension is commonly used by the Sourcetrail software development tool to store project data. It should be pronounced as "dot-sour" with a long "o" sound. Correctly pronouncing file extensions is essential to avoid confusion and misunderstandings in the tech industry. Other file extensions, such as ".gif" and ".jpg", are also commonly mispronounced and should be double-checked before use.