> 口语知识 > wednesday怎么读英语




Wednesday is one of the days of the week in English. It falls between Tuesday and Thursday. Although the word is pronounced differently from the way it looks like it should be pronounced, with a silent d, it's easy to remember the correct pronunciation of Wednesday once you know how to say it. In this article, we'll explore the correct way to pronounce Wednesday in English.

How to pronounce Wednesday

Wednesday is pronounced as wenz-dei. It is a combination of two Old English words: Wodnes and daeg, which mean Woden's day, the name of the Germanic god Woden, who was also known as Odin in Norse mythology. The "d" in the word Wednesday is not pronounced, so it sounds like "Wensday."

Mnemonic devices to remember the pronunciation

If you are having trouble remembering how to pronounce Wednesday correctly, there are some mnemonic devices you can use. One popular way is to think of it as "Wed-nes-day," with a small pause between "Wed" and "nes," which can help you remember to leave out the "d" sound. Another way is to remember the phrase, "When the sun is setting on Wednesdays, it is time to rest." This can help you remember the correct pronunciation of the word.

Common mispronunciations of Wednesday

Despite its simple pronunciation, Wednesday is often mispronounced, even by native speakers of English. Some common mispronunciations of Wednesday include "Wed-nes-dee" or "Wen-nes-day," with an emphasis on the second syllable. It's important to remember that the "d" in Wednesday is silent and the stress is on the first syllable, not the second.


In conclusion, Wednesday is a day of the week that is pronounced as "Wenz-day" in English. Although the word looks like it should be pronounced differently, with a silent "d," once you know the correct way to pronounce it, it's easy to remember. If you're having trouble, try using some mnemonic devices or remember that the stress is on the first syllable and the "d" is silent. With a little practice, you'll be able to say "Wednesday" like a native speaker in no time.