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When it comes to learning a new language, pronunciation is crucial. This is especially true for English, which has a lot of exceptions and irregularities. In this article, we'll focus on how to pronounce one specific fruit name in English: "pear".

Basic pronunciation of "pear"

The word "pear" is pronounced like "pair" in English. The "ea" combination makes a long "e" sound, while the "r" at the end is silent. So it sounds like "pair".

Accent variations

While the basic pronunciation of "pear" is the same across English-speaking countries, there are some accent variations to be aware of. For example:

  • In some British accents, the long "e" sound is pronounced more like "eh". So "pear" might sound like "pehr".
  • In some American accents, the "r" at the end of "pear" is pronounced slightly, making it sound more like "puhr". This is known as a rhotic accent.

Common mispronunciations

Despite the straightforward pronunciation of "pear", there are a few common mispronunciations to be aware of:

  • Pronouncing it like "peer" or "pier". This is a common mistake because those words look similar to "pear", but they have different pronunciations.
  • Putting too much emphasis on the "r" at the end. Remember, the "r" in "pear" is silent.
  • Pronouncing it with a short "e" sound, like in "pet". Remember, the "ea" combination makes a long "e" sound in this word.

Tips for improving pronunciation

If you're struggling with English pronunciation, here are a few tips that might help:

  • Listen to native speakers as much as possible. Pay attention to how they pronounce words, and try to mimic them.
  • Practice tongue twisters and other exercises that focus on specific sounds. This can help you identify and improve problem areas in your pronunciation.
  • Record yourself speaking and listen back. This can help you identify areas where you need to improve.


Pronunciation is an important part of learning any language, and English is no exception. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your English pronunciation and feel more confident in your language skills. And when it comes to one specific fruit name, just remember: it's pronounced like "pair"!