> 口语知识 > send怎么读英语




`.send` is a common method used in JavaScript for sending HTTP requests. It can be used for various purposes such as sending data to the server, fetching data from the server, and more. If you are new to JavaScript or just starting to learn about the various methods of working with HTTP requests, then you might be wondering how to pronounce `.send`. In this article, we will explore the proper way to pronounce `.send` in English.

The Correct Pronunciation of `.send`

The correct way to pronounce `.send` is to say it like the word "send" (as in, "I will send you an email"). The dot before the word `.send` is just a notation in JavaScript to specify that it is a method of an object. Therefore, when you are writing or talking about JavaScript, it is best to pronounce it as "send".

Common Mispronunciations of `.send`

Despite the fact that the correct pronunciation of `.send` is "send", there are still many people who mispronounce it. Some people might say "dot send" or "period send" instead of simply saying "send". These incorrect pronunciations might be due to people not understanding the purpose of the dot before the method, or simply because they have heard others say it that way.

Why Pronunciation Matters

While the pronunciation of `.send` might seem like a small detail, it is important to understand how to say it correctly for a few reasons. First, if you are discussing JavaScript with colleagues, they might not understand what you mean if you mispronounce `.send`. Second, if you are learning JavaScript and you mispronounce `.send`, it could lead to confusion and hinder your ability to learn effectively. Lastly, it simply sounds more professional to say it correctly.


In conclusion, the correct way to pronounce `.send` in JavaScript is to say it like the word "send". While there are many common mispronunciations of `.send`, it is important to understand the proper way to pronounce it in order to communicate effectively and sound knowledgeable when discussing JavaScript. Keep practicing and soon it will come naturally to say ".send".