> 口语知识 > would怎么读英语




The word “would” is commonly used in English, and it has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In this article, we will explore the different ways to read “would” in English and provide examples to help you understand its usage.

As a Modal Verb

As a modal verb, “would” is pronounced with a short ‘u’ sound, which is similar to the word “put”. For example, “would you like a cup of coffee?” is pronounced as “wood yoo laik a cup of kaw-fee?”

As the Past Tense of "Will"

When “would” is used as the past tense of “will”, it is pronounced differently. This time, “would” is pronounced with a long ‘u’ sound, which is the same as the word “could”. For example, “he said he would meet me at the store” is pronounced as “hee sed he cood meet mee at the store”.

As the Conditional Tense

When “would” is used in the conditional tense, it is pronounced the same as when used as a modal verb with a short ‘u’ sound. The conditional tense is used to describe an imaginary situation or an action that is dependent on another action. For example, “if I were rich, I would travel the world” is pronounced as “if I were rich, wood travel the world”.

As a Polite Phrase

“Would” can also be used as a polite phrase. In this case, it is pronounced the same as when used as a modal verb with a short ‘u’ sound. For example, “would you mind closing the window?” is pronounced as “wood yoo mynd klowzing the window?”


In conclusion, “would” is a versatile word in English that can be pronounced differently depending on its usage. As a modal verb or a polite phrase, it is pronounced with a short ‘u’ sound. As the past tense of “will” or in the conditional tense, it is pronounced with a long ‘u’ sound. With our examples and explanations, we hope that you now have a better understanding of how to read “would” in English.