> 口语知识 > tabletennis怎么读英语




Table tennis is a popular sport worldwide. Its popularity is not limited to any particular region. It is played all over the world. With the globalization trend, people are now indulging in sports that were not typical in their region. Most people love to watch and play table tennis, but they might not know how to say it in English. This article provides the proper pronunciation of table tennis in the English language.

Pronunciation of table tennis

The word "table" in "table tennis" is pronounced "tay-buhl," and the word "tennis" is pronounced "ten-is." Therefore, when you combine the two words, table tennis should be pronounced as "tay-buhl ten-is."

Table tennis variations

Table tennis is played in different parts of the world, and it has different names. For example, in the United States, table tennis is simply called "ping pong." In China, table tennis is called "ping pang qiu." In Japan, it is called "takkyu" and in Korea, it is called "janggi."

Table tennis equipment

Table tennis equipment includes a table, paddles, and balls. The table is usually nine feet long and five feet wide. The paddles are small and made of wood. The rubber on the paddles is either smooth or pimpled. The ball is small and made of plastic or celluloid.

Table tennis rules

The rules of table tennis are relatively simple. The game is played in singles or doubles. The objective is to hit the ball over the net and onto the opponent's side of the table without the opponent returning the ball. The game is played until 11 points are scored, and the winner must be two points ahead of the opponent. If the score reaches 10-10, then the game will continue until a difference of two points is reached.


Table tennis is a sport loved by many, and knowing how to say it correctly in English is essential. Pronouncing it as "tay-buhl ten-is" is the correct way. With the proper equipment and knowledge of the rules, anyone can play this exciting sport.