> 口语知识 > 橙色怎么读英语




It is common for non-native English speakers to wonder how to correctly pronounce certain words in English. One such word is "orange." In this article, we will explore the different possible pronunciations of this word in English.

Two Pronunciations: UK and US English

In the United Kingdom, the word "orange" is typically pronounced with two syllables, with the stress on the first syllable: "ORR-inj". In contrast, in the United States, the word is usually pronounced with one syllable as "or-ndj." This difference in pronunciation is due to the different English accents in each country.

Other English Dialects' Pronunciation

It is worth noting that other English-speaking countries may have different pronunciations of "orange" as well. For example, in Australia and New Zealand, the pronunciation is often closer to the UK version, with two syllables and the stress on the first syllable. In Canada, the pronunciation is more like the US version, with one syllable and the "r" sound more prominent.

Etymology and Origins of the Word "Orange"

The word "orange" comes from the Old French word "pomme d'orange," which means "apple of China" because oranges were believed to have originated in China. The word "orange" was first used to describe the fruit in the 14th century, but it took several centuries for the word to become a color name in English.

The Color "Orange"

The color "orange" was named after the fruit, and its first recorded use as a color name in English dates back to the 16th century. The color is often associated with warmth, energy, and happiness. In addition to being a popular color for clothing and home decor, it is used to represent many things: From the orange traffic cones on highways to the orange color of Halloween pumpkins, to the orange jerseys worn by Dutch football players.


In conclusion, the pronunciation of "orange" in English differs depending on the dialect spoken. While the UK pronunciation has two syllables and the stress on the first syllable, the US pronunciation has one syllable, and the "r" sound is more prominent. Other English-speaking countries may have their own variations. Nevertheless, the word and its associated color remain an essential part of the English language and the culture of many countries around the world.
