> 口语知识 > dumpling怎么读英语




Dumplings are a popular Chinese dish enjoyed by many people around the world. As a result, it can be helpful to know how to pronounce the word "dumpling" correctly in English. In this article, we will explore the different ways to pronounce "dumpling" in English and offer some tips to help you improve your pronunciation.

Pronunciation of Dumpling

The word "dumpling" has two syllables: "dump" and "ling." The stress is on the first syllable, which means this syllable should be slightly louder and longer than the second syllable. When pronouncing the "u" sound in "dumpling," the mouth should be slightly rounded and the sound should be short and clear, like the "u" in "sun." The "l" sound in "ling" should be soft, and the "ng" sound in "ling" should be pronounced with the back of your tongue touching the roof of your mouth.

Different Pronunciations

Even though the word "dumpling" is spelled the same way, the pronunciation can vary depending on the type of English being spoken. For example, in American English, the "u" sound in "dumpling" is nasalized, which means the sound comes through the nose. In British English, the "u" sound is more rounded and pronounced, almost like the "oo" sound in "book." Other English-speaking countries may also have their own unique pronunciations of the word "dumpling."

Ways to Improve Your Pronunciation

If you are struggling to pronounce "dumpling" correctly or want to improve your overall pronunciation in English, there are some tips you can follow. Firstly, listen closely to how native English speakers say the word and try to imitate their pronunciation. You can also record yourself saying the word and compare it to a native speaker to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, you can practice with tongue twisters or other exercises that focus on pronunciation and enunciation. Finally, be patient and practice regularly to see improvement over time.


In conclusion, the word "dumpling" is an important word to know, especially if you enjoy this delicious Chinese dish. By focusing on the correct pronunciation of the word and using some tips to improve your pronunciation, you can become more confident and effective in your English communication. Remember to practice consistently and be patient with yourself, and your pronunciation skills will improve in no time.