> 口语知识 > thank怎么读英语



What is "Thank" in English?

"Thank" is a word used to express gratitude or appreciation. It is commonly used in English as part of everyday vocabulary, and is an important aspect of social interactions.

Pronunciation of "Thank"

The word "Thank" is pronounced as "θæŋk" in English. The first sound, "θ", is made by placing the tongue between the top and bottom teeth and blowing air out. The second sound, "æ", is made by opening the mouth wide and saying "aah". The third sound, "ŋk", is made by bringing the back of the tongue up to the soft palate.

Common Phrases using "Thank"

There are many common phrases and expressions that use the word "Thank" in English. Some examples include:

  • "Thank you" - used to express gratitude or appreciation
  • "Thank goodness" - used to express relief or gratitude for a positive outcome
  • "Thanks a lot" - used to express thanks with greater emphasis
  • "Thankfully" - used to express relief or gratitude in a sentence
  • "No thanks" - used to politely decline an offer or gesture

Cultural Significance of "Thank"

The concept of expressing gratitude is an important aspect of many cultures around the world. In English-speaking cultures, saying "Thank you" is considered good manners and is an important social convention.

The act of expressing gratitude also has psychological benefits, helping to promote positive emotions and build stronger relationships.


The word "Thank" is a common and important aspect of English language and culture. By mastering the pronunciation and usage of phrases that contain the word "Thank", you can improve your communication skills and build stronger relationships.