What is a fridge?
A fridge, or refrigerator, is an electric household appliance that is designed to keep food fresh for extended periods of time. It works by lowering the temperature of the air inside the unit, which slows down the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause food spoilage or illness.
How to pronounce 'fridge' in English?
'Fridge' is a common slang term for 'refrigerator' in English, and it is pronounced as 'frɪdʒ'. The word is pronounced with a short 'i' sound and a hard 'g' sound, similar to the word 'bridge'. Remember to stress the first syllable and to pronounce the 'd' and 'g' sounds clearly.
Usage of 'fridge' in English language
The word 'fridge' sounds casual and is frequently used in spoken English, particularly in informal situations. You can use 'fridge' with verbs such as 'open', 'close', 'stock', 'clean', etc. Examples are:
- "I need to open the fridge to get some juice."
- "Can you close the fridge door, please?"
- "I need to stock up the fridge with groceries."
- "It's time to clean out the fridge."
Fridge-related phrases in English language
Here are some common fridge-related phrases used in English:
- "Fridge magnet" - a small magnet that is used to attach notes or reminders to a refrigerator door.
- "Fridge buzz" - a loud humming or buzzing sound made by a refrigerator.
- "Fridge raid" - the act of rummaging through a refrigerator to find something to eat.
- "Fridge logic" - an afterthought or realization that comes to mind after leaving a room or situation, similar to seeing something in the fridge after closing the door.
'Fridge' is a common slang term for refrigerator in English, and it is simple to pronounce. It has become a popular word and many people use it to express various fridge-related actions and thoughts. Understanding the proper usage and pronunciation of 'fridge' can help you better communicate in English and make casual conversation more enjoyable.