> 口语知识 > recent怎么读英语



What is "recent" in English?

"Recent" is an adjective that means "having happened, appeared or been done not long ago; belonging to a past period of time that is not very distant or remote."

Pronunciation of "recent"

The word "recent" is pronounced as "ree-suh nt" with stress on the first syllable. The "ee" sound is pronounced as in the word "see," and the "suh" sound is pronounced as in the word "bus."

Common phrases using "recent"

There are many phrases in English that use the word "recent." Some of the commonly used ones are:

  • in recent years
  • recent developments
  • recently
  • of late
  • in the past few days/weeks/months

Examples of using "recent" in a sentence

Here are some examples of how to use "recent" in a sentence:

  • Recent studies have shown that exercise can improve mental health.
  • In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of veganism.
  • She has been absent from work due to recent illness.
  • Recent events have led to a change in policy.
  • Recent developments in technology have revolutionized many industries.

Other meanings of "recent"

Aside from its commonly used definition, "recent" can also be used in a geological sense to describe a particular period in Earth's history. The "recent" period is the most recent division of the geological timescale.

In conclusion

Knowing how to pronounce and use "recent" in a sentence is essential in understanding and communicating in English. Whether used to describe events, developments, or periods in history, "recent" is a versatile and commonly used adjective in the English language.
